Kindergarten Information for the Tompkins County Public Library
Kindergarten Information for the Tompkins County Public Library
Kindergarten Information for the Tompkins County Public Library
KDT! Resources for Teachers
Planning Meeting for Kids Discover the Trail! Ithaca
Ithaca teachers attend a Planning Meeting prior to going on trips. If you are unable to attend please let your building liaison or Joe Volpe know.
Prior to the Planning Meeting you will
Receive a partner class from a school that feeds to the same middle school. The Teacher Liaison for KDT! Ithaca, Joe Volpe will help new teachers and anyone else who wants help with this task. While we encourage ongoing partnerships that develop over time, there are times when we need to change partnerships due to numbers of schools and new teachers needing experienced partners
BJM, Belle Sherman, Northeast and Caroline Schools feed to Dewitt
Enfield, Fall Creek, Cayuga Heights and South Hill Schools feed to Boynton
Receive a email from the site educator with sign up information for your trip.
At the Planning Meeting you will
Meet with your KDT! educator and receive information about your trip
Partner the children in your classes to foster relationships among children from different communities. Many teachers partner students with similar interests. You can also consider partnering children who speak the same language to avoid isolation of non-native speakers on your trip.
Alert the Discovery Trail educator and partner teacher to special needs in your classroom including ESL, special accommodations needed and peanut allergies to name a few!
Plan curricular activities
Arrive on time to get your raffle ticket for the door prizes!